2013년 10월 26일 토요일

Tresa Cawley's blog ::Sarah Wayne Callies (a.k.a. Lori) talks about the latest 'Walking Dead' shocker

Tresa Cawley's blog ::Sarah Wayne Callies (a.k.a. Lori) talks about the latest 'Walking Dead' shocker

Recently               I               wrote               an               article               about               why               I               didn't               like               AMC's               new               series,               The               Walking               Dead.

I               didn't               like               it               because               it               was               so               gory.

I               didn't               see               why               AMC               the               network               that               brought               us               such               hits               as               "Mad               Men"               and               "Breaking               Bad"               would               'drop               the               ball'               with               this               turkey.

Frank               Darabont               wrote/co-wrote               the               first               three               episodes               and               directed               the               premier               episode.
               How               could               the               man,               I               wanted               to               know,               who               collected               Oscar               nominations               from               the               Writer's               Guide               of               America               for               "Shawshank               Redemption"               and               "The               Green               Mile"               be               responsible               for               such               an               exploitative               series?
               The               series               was               based               on               the               graphic               comic               book               by               Robert               Kirkman               and               was               about               zombies.

I               haven't               read               the               comic               book,               but               I               hear               it               follows               the               comic               book               rather               closely,               and               pulls               no               punches               when               it               comes               to               guts,               and               gore.
               I               expected               a               lot               of               people               to               disagree               with               my               opinion               of               the               series,               and               I               was               not               disappointed.
               Comments               ranged               from               "if               you               don't               like               it               just               turn               the               channel,               to               my               not               understanding               that               it               was               about               zombies               and               that's               what               zombies               do.

One               man               even               suggested               that               "Two               and               a               Half               Men"               might               be               more               to               my               liking.
               I               found               that               intentionally               funny               not               five               minutes               into               the               premier               episode               of               The               Walking               Dead,               the               main               character               Sheriff               Rick               Grimes               encounters               zombies               walking               (upright)               or               crawling               with               the               bottom               half               of               their               bodies               gone.
               If               I               could               have               responded,               I               might               have               said               "Thank               you,               but               I've               already               seen               it."
               As               I               said,               these               comments               were               to               be               expected               when               I               took               aim               at               such               a               popular               show.

               (The               Walking               Dead               is               coming               back               for               a               13               episode               second               season.)
               The               comment               that               got               me               thinking               
               But               it               was               the               comment               from               a               55               year               woman               that               got               me               to               thinking               about               why               I               had               such               a               visceral               reaction               to               The               Walking               Dead.
               She               said               that               she               hated               The               Saw               movies               (as               I               did)               and               that               she               couldn't               watch               the               Freddy               Krueger               films               because               they               were               so               gross.

But               she               watched               the               premier               episode               of               The               Walking               Dead               and               'just               loved               it."
               She               then               reminded               me               that               the               movie               was               about               zombies               and               wasn't               real.
               Wasn't               real:               it               was               those               two               words               that               got               me               thinking.

As               a               kid               I               loved               scary               movies               and               the               more               far-fetched               they               were---like               "They               Came               from               Outer"               space               or               "Invaders               from               Mars"               the               better               I               liked               them.
               I               like               them               because               they               weren't               real.

The               Martians               didn't               look               like               anybody               I               knew,               and               I               didn't               expect               that               we               would               be               attacked               by               Martians               any               time               soon.
               I               could               be               'fun'               scared               because               I               knew               that               my               parents               would               keep               me               safe.
               I               even               liked               the               horror               comic               books               that               were               popular               in               the               fifties.

One               was               called               "Tales               from               the               Crypt"               and               was               full               of               people               being               killed               in               gruesome               ways.

(This               was               before               the               Comics               Code               was               instigated.)
               But               again,               I               could               distance               myself               from               the               horror               because               I               knew               deep               down               that               horror               comic               books               was               not               'real               life'               and               that               nothing               bad               could               happen               to               me.
               And               then               I               grew               up.
               As               I               matured               I               realized               that               bad               things               happen               to               good               people               all               the               time,               and               that               the               race               was               not               to               the               swift,               and               there               was               such               things               as               random               violence,               senseless               killings               and               my               parents               could               no               longer               protect               me               from               the               bad               things               in               the               world.
               Or               to               put               it               a               different               way,               for               me               The               Walking               Dead               is               not               just               about               zombies               out               of               a               comic               book,               but               its               about               what               is               and               could               be               real.
               Why               The               Walking               Dead               disturbs               me.
               The               Walking               Dead               is               about               a               sheriff               from               the               fictional               King               County               Georgia.
               I               married               a               King               County               Sheriff               who               swore               to               'protect               and               serve'               when               he               joined               the               Sheriff's               department;               he               didn't               go               around               killing               zombies,               but               he               did               head               a               major               serial               killer               investigation.
               When               the               killer               was               finally               caught,               (Gary               Ridgway)               it               was               learned               that               he               was               into               necrophilia.

(The               zombies               in               The               Walking               Dead               aren't               into               that               yet,               but               just               wait               until               they               run               out               of               gross               things               for               ther               zombies               to               do.)
               When               I               watched               the               first               episode               of               The               Walking               Dead               when               the               zombies               tear               apart               living               bodies               and               devour               them,               some               memories               of               the               investigation               rise               to               the               surface               and               I               have               to               keep               reminding               myself               that               the               zombies               in               The               Walking               Dead               are               not               real               even               though               some               of               the               women               zombies               have               faces               not               unlike               the               faces               of               women               who               are               brutally               killed               or               left               in               the               water               too               long.
               Millions               of               people               are               watching               The               Walking               Dead               and               (I               like               to               think)               that               the               majority               of               them               normal               people               who               just               like               to               be               'scared'.
               There               are               the               other               kinds               of               people               who               are               sick               and               'get               ideas'               from               watching               television               show               with               graphic               violence.

The               Walking               Dead               could               (possibly)               inspire               some               psychopath               to               kill               like               he               sees               those               'cool'               zombies               do.
               Serial               killer               Jeffrey               Dahmer               in               the               summer               of               l991               was               murdering               approximately               one               person               each               week.

He               got               the               idea               he               could               create               zombies               of               his               victims.
               I               won't               go               into               the               gruesome               details               but               his               methods               are               not               too               different               from               some               of               the               'methods'               used               to               kill               the               zombies               on               The               Walking               Dead.
               Another               kind               of               walkin               dead               
               Then               there               is               the               another               kind               of               Walking               Dead---               the               kind               that               that               walks               down               "The               Road"               in               Cormac               McCarthy's               Pulitzer               Prize               winning               novel.
               The               novel               is               about               a               father               and               son               journeying               across               a               grim               landscape               devoid               of               almost               all               life               on               Earth.

It               is               years               after               an               unexplained               cataclysm               destroyed               civilization.
               Father               and               son               must               survive               in               this               post               apocalyptic               world               of               darkness,               electric               storms,               cold               and               ash.
               They               will               do               anything               to               survive.

Many               of               the               human               survivors               are               cannibalistic               nomads               
               Scavenging               the               country               for               human               flesh,               although               even               that               is               almost               depleted.
               At               point               in               the               book               father               and               son               encounter               a               roving               bands               of               cannibals               and               see               that               they               are               roasting               a               new               born               infant               on               a               spit.
               I'm               not               comparing               (no,               no,               no!)               McCarthy's               brilliant               novel               to               a               zombie               comic               book               or               TV               show.
               I'm               just               saying               that               watching               The               Walking               Dead               reminds               me               of               horrors               of               what               could               happen               (for               example)               to               people               in               a               world               gone               nuclear,               or               what               might               follow               a               global               bird               flu               pandemic.
               For               me,               The               Walking               Dead               is               just               'too               close               to               the               bone'----too               close               for               comfort.
               And               that's               why               I               cannot               dismiss               it               as               as               'just               a               show               about               zombies."
               That               isn't               real.

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