2013년 10월 26일 토요일

Tresa Cawley's blog ::...and error when the kids walk around with shoelaces...wisdom. But we won't build on the flammable materials of... so right there in 3: 16-17. If I destroy them...

Tresa Cawley's blog ::...and error when the kids walk around with shoelaces...wisdom. But we won't build on the flammable materials of... so right there in 3: 16-17. If I destroy them...

Avengers               #19               -               I               am               a               bit               of               a               sucker               for               team               forming               stories,               so               it               shouldn't               come               as               a               surprise               that               I               liked               this               issue               which               introduces               the               "new"               Avengers               team.

I               say               it               like               that               because               really               they               are               just               out               a               member               or               two               and               replace               them               with               Storm               and               a               former               Avenger               who               is               a               fan               favorite               who               I               did               miss.

It               also               seems               like               Spider-Man               and               Wolverine               are               off               the               team               which               is               good,               they               are               both               on               two               other               teams,               Avengers               will               do               fine               without               em.

Now               though               I               admit               how               much               of               a               sucker               I               am,               this               issue               did               have               some               hitches,               like               Storm               appearing               and               then               being               shoved               aside               mid               sentence               for               the               mystery               Avenger               (which               is               fine               in               and               of               itself               but               I               hope               this               isn't               how               she               is               treated               for               good),               and               a               few               too               many               random               asides               and               conversations               that               don't               add               much               to               the               story,               but               that               is               Bendis               for               you.

I               do               have               two               fanboyish               gripes               though,               first               I               thought               everyone               forgot               that               Thor               ever               existed               and               was               replaced               perpetually               by               the               new               thunder               god?

If               so               I               don't               think               Bendis               got               the               message,               this               is               the               second               Avengers               issue               post               Fear               Itself               to               discuss               missing               Thor,               just               seems               like               he               doesn't               care               about               the               ideas               of               others.

My               other               thing               is               that               at               the               end               a               villain               shows               up               to               make               a               ruckus               and               it               made               me               wonder,               do               the               Avengers               go               out               and               stop               evil               anymore?

Or               does               it               always               come               to               them?

Besides               that               though,               as               I               said               I'm               a               sucker               for               these               stories.


Batman               #3               -               This               book               should               be               titled               Detective               Comics,               Batman               is               in               pure               detective               mode               throughout               as               both               he               and               we               discover               more               and               more               about               the               Order               of               the               Owl               and               its               ties               to               both               Gotham               and               the               Wayne               family.

I               can't               discuss               too               much               more               without               breaking               down               the               mystery               itself               which               is               well               done               and               building               so               perfectly.

There               is               little               action               to               the               book               and               I               could               care               less               honestly.

The               artwork               is               strong               and               goes               from               being               the               right               kind               of               moody               to               showing               the               light               of               Bruce               Wayne               perfectly.


Fear               Itself               #7.3               -               With               this               issue               the               7               issue               Fear               Itself               finally               ends               its               10               issue               run.

Like               7.1               and               7.2               (I               hate               the               point               system               by               the               way)               these               are               really               just               an               issue               of               the               main               book               of               whoever               is               starring               in               the               given               issue               (this               time               Iron               Man)               and               "resolve"               something               doing               with               Fear               Itself.

Thus               far               by               resolve               it               has               meant               undoing               a               major               event,               like               (spoilers)

In               7.1               we               find               out               Bucky               Barnes               never               actually               died,               Nick               Fury               and               Black               Widow               replaced               him               with               a               fake               to               force               Steve               Rogers               to               return               as               Cap,               which               understandably               pisses               Cap               off               but               at               the               end               he               agrees               and               it               ends               happy.

7.2               does               something               similar               and               finishes               with               Thor               opening               his               eyes.

Now               in               7.3               we               get               another               major               event               in               Fear               Itself               being               nullified               by               the               definition               of               dues               ex               machina,               and               it               pulls               it               off...mostly.

It               only               works               because               it               is               built               in               such               a               way               that               you               want               the               villain               to               pay,               want               horrible               things               to               happen               to               them               because               of               all               the               right               heartstrings               being               pulled               by               the               incident               which               gets               over               turned.

As               far               as               take               backs               go               it               isn't               all               that               badly               done               and               makes               you               a               bit               happy               about               it,               until               you               really               think               about               it.

In               this               comic               Iron               Man               who               is               the               title               character               of               this               issue,               doesn't               do               anything.

He               doesn't               solve               the               problem,               he               just               mopes               and               wines               and               contemplates               murdering               a               defenseless               man.

The               latter               by               the               way               becomes               irrelevant               later               on               and               makes               Tony               seem               a               bit               of               a               dick.

But               on               first               read               through               the               book               works,               gets               the               response               it               wants               and               only               after               thinking               about               it               do               you               find               the               flaws.


Incredible               Hulk               #2               -               I               don't               know               what               I               think               about               Bruce               Banner               being               an               immoral               mad               scientist               trying               to               get               the               Hulk               back               after               seperating               them.

I               also               don't               know               about               undoing               the               excellent               ending               to               Pak's               run               on               Hulk               off               panel.

But               it               has               happened               and               we               must               move               on               when               dealing               with               corporate               comics               and               I               shall.

The               Banner               parts               of               this               story               just               don't               jive               with               me.

I               can't               see               him               experimenting               on               anything               and               everything               due               to               being               sad               he               isn't               Hulk               anymore,               especially               what               he               does               at               the               end,               pure               evil               move;               I               also               don't               see               Betty/She-Hulk               leaving               like               she               does               in               a               flashback               outside               of               editorial               mandate               so               she               can               be               in               the               Defenders.

So               that               part               of               the               book               doesn't               work               for               me.

The               Hulk               part               where               he               fights               giant               sharks               on               the               other               hand,               now               that               works!

Why               can't               the               book               just               be               that?

The               mysterious               government               woman               who               keeps               flirting               with               Hulk               can               die               though,               don't               care               one               bit.

Just               give               me               Hulk               fighting               giant               monsters!

The               art               is               a               bit               of               an               issue,               the               issue               got               a               ton               of               flack               for               many               fill               in               artists               on               this               the               second               issue               and               from               an               Image               founder               at               that,               many               jokes               flew.

But               since               Silvestri               is               apparently               dealing               with               a               medical               problem               it               is               very               understandable.

The               art               won't               impact               the               final               result               which               I'm               afraid               is               a               bit               low               due               to               Banner               weirdness.


Justice               League               #3               -               Now               this               was               a               fun               and               entertaining               comic.

While               Green               Lantern               keeps               acting               like               a               tool               with               Batman,               Superman,               and               the               Flash               kicking               ass               and               acting               professional               during               their               fight               with               the               Parademons,               the               bulk               of               the               issue               focuses               on               Wonder               Woman               and               the               creation               of               Cyborg.

The               Wonder               Woman               stuff               is               great               and               shows               off               both               her               compassion               and               bad               assness               which               is               very               welcome.

When               Wonder               Woman               joins               the               fight               there               is               some               good               interactions               with               the               characters               which               makes               up               a               lot               for               the               decompression               feel               of               the               story.

The               character               who               appears               on               the               final               page,               and               how               they               proclaim               they               should               be               leader               made               me               smile               and               want               to               read               the               next               issue.

The               art               is               well,               it               is               Jim               Lee,               it               is               well               done               and               dynamic,               exactly               the               quality               you               expect.


Nightwing               #3               -               we               continue               to               dig               deeper               into               Dick's               past               with               the               circus               while               dealing               with               the               death               of               the               owner               and               apparent               life               long               protector               of               Dick.

Dick               seems               to               be               one               to               run               from               his               past               a               bit               or               so               is               accused               as               such               by               former               friends.

It               is               a               very               interesting               look               at               the               most               under               explored               side               of               his               life,               the               circus               life               outside               of               just               his               family.

While               Nightwing's               fight               in               the               middle               of               an               issue               with               a               former               circus               friend               now               turned               hitman/hitman               liaison,               was               pretty               well               thought               out               and               artfully               done               it               left               me               a               bit               baffled.

I               take               it               the               guy               knew               it               was               Dick               in               the               suit,               I               mean               he               grew               up               with               the               guy               and               it               isn't               hard               to               tell               otherwise               with               that               mask               if               you               know               Dick               Grayson,               but               why               did               they               fight?

Just               because               he               didn't               want               to               admit               he               didn't               know               who               it               was               who               killed               the               circus               owner?

Seems               forced               for               the               sake               of               needing               a               fight               scene               and               introduce               a               (throw               away?)               character               who               has               ties               to               the               main               character's               past               to               add               some               "depth".

The               character               interactions               are               what               makes               this               issue               worth               while,               the               people               of               the               circus               feel               like               fleshed               out               characters               and               the               flashbacks               work               well               to               strengthen               that.

The               reveal               of               who               hired               the               killer               is               a               bit               out               of               a               procedural               cop               show,               but               still               works               for               the               purposes               of               the               story.

The               artwork               is               well               done               and               capably               shows               Nightwing               flying               and               fighting               while               also               working               well               for               all               the               character               work               being               done.


Red               Hood               and               the               Outlaws               #3               -               This               book               continues               to               read               as               fan               fiction               gone               wrong.

We               are               without               random               Starfire               sleeping               with               people               or               her               being               more               scantily               clad,               but               it               still               is               far               from               a               good               or               compelling               issue.

Apparently               Arsenal               has               been               suicidal               for               years               now,               and               once               tried               to               use               Killer               Croc               as               a               means               of               suicide,               what!?!?

This               kind               of               stuff               made               me               not               care               for               the               character               in               the               first               place,               so               not               happy               it               continues.

Also               confused               how               he               was               Green               Arrow's               sidekick               when               it               seems               like               GA               is               still               new               to               the               game               in               his               own               book.

Really               the               only               thing               that               was               enjoyable               in               the               issue               were               the               last               few               pages               featuring               a               young               Jason               Todd               as               Robin               being               too               sick               to               go               out               on               patrol,               it               is               heartwarming               and               the               opposite               of               what               I               would               ever               expect               from               this               book.


Walking               Dead               #91               -               At               this               point               in               time               you               either               read               the               Walking               Dead               or               you               don't.

The               art               is               great               as               always               and               the               story               is               still               moving               along.

This               issue               is               a               little               bit               more               resolution               and               build               up               over               the               last               few               issues               of               big               events.

It               is               a               breather               issue               while               giving               Sophie               (who               needs               to               be               found               in               the               show               already)               and               Andrea               (who               could               just               die               already               in               the               show)               a               few               good               character               moments.

If               anything               my               only               criticism               is               as               a               stand               alone               issue               this               doesn't               offer               much,               unlike               the               more               recent               ones,               but               it               will               work               great               in               the               trade.


Wonder               Woman               #3               -               Did               I               read               a               weirdly               mixed               issue?

It               felt               to               me               like               the               first               dozen               pages               were               in               the               wrong               order,               I               should               have               tried               a               different               copy               to               find               out               for               sure.

Besides               that               little               snafu               though,               this               continues               an               interesting               take               on               the               Amazon.

We               find               out               in               this               issue               that               Diana               wasn't               made               from               clay               after               all               and               that               her               mother               actually               had               an               affair               with               Zeus               himself               to               conceive               her.

The               story               of               lust               and               keeping               it               hidden               from               bards               and               Gods               alike               takes               up               a               bit               of               the               issue               as               is               building               to               it               and               resolving               it.

This               issue               is               sadly               a               bit               of               filler               and               makes               me               question               why               did               WW               ever               go               to               Paradise               Island               in               the               first               place               when               she               just               turns               around               and               leaves.

I'm               still               invested               in               this               story               after               the               first               two               issues,               but               this               one               added               nothing               beyond               giving               WW               a               daddy               and               showing               angry               Amazons.

Thankfully               the               art               is               still               wonderfully               done               and               I               am               invested               from               before.


Witch               Doctor               #4               -               what               a               fun               ride               this               book               has               been!

With               this               issue               our               good               doctor               and               his               lackeys               fight               Cthulhu's               Deep               Ones               in               only               a               way               a               doctor               of               the               occult               could.

This               issue               is               also               the               first               to               start               tying               things               together,               showing               the               greater               world               outside               of               the               occult               medical               emergencies               and               start               to               thread               it               all               together.

This               is               the               final               issue               of               this               series,               with               a               one               shot               coming               out               shortly               and               another               series               to               follow               shortly.

If               you               haven't               been               reading               this               I               highly               recommend               picking               up               the               trade               when               it               is               released               since               odds               are               your               comic               shop               criminally               under               ordered               this.


X-23               #17               -               when               did               this               book               become               so               much               fun?

X-23               (or               Laura)               is               hanging               out               with               Gambit               who               is               back               to               being               a               charming               and               dangerous               Cajun               once               again,               she               has               an               odd               but               flirtatious               relationship               with               Hellion               who               doesn't               come               off               as               a               complete               tool               while               still               keeping               some               of               his               assholish               qualities,               and               she               now               baby               sits               for               the               Future               Foundation!

The               story               is               pretty               simple,               discussion               of               the               previous               adventure               and               other               issues               of               the               past               are               discussed,               Hellion               and               Laura               have               an               aggresive               and               odd               flirtatious               fight/discussion,               Gambit               acts               all               suave               and               bad               ass,               and               then               Laura               meets               with               the               Invisible               Woman               and               starts               baby               sitting               for               Franklin               and               Val               Richards               who               just               want               to               use               a               small               nuclear               explosive               to               go               back               in               time               to               pet               a               dinosaur.

What               follows               is               traditional               Adventures               in               Baby               Sitting               fair,               a               boy               (Hellion)               wants               to               come               over,               the               kids               get               into               trouble               (something               big               and               scaley               arrives               via               Val's               messing               around               with               technology)               and               the               parents               are               currently               none               the               wiser.

The               cover               even               is               an               homage               to               the               movie               Adventures               in               Baby               Sitting               which               is               what               made               me               pick               up               the               issue               in               the               first               place.

Speaking               of               the               art,               it               is               great.

The               painted               style               works               so               well               for               the               book               and               the               characters               are               crisp               and               the               facial               expressions               are               spot               on               making               the               dialogue               superfluous               at               times               to               read               the               book.

The               pure               fun               and               the               interesting               interactions               in               the               book               make               me               want               to               read               more               which               is               saying               a               lot               of               a               book               about               the               female               clone               of               Wolverine.


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the walking dead book 16

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the walking dead book 16

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the walking dead book 16

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