2013년 11월 1일 금요일

Tresa Cawley's blog ::...of poor to stupid decisions: When we can't seem to close our borders, we continue...upon creating 'sanctuary cities' where illegality is ordered to be ...

Tresa Cawley's blog ::...of poor to stupid decisions: When we can't seem to close our borders, we continue...upon creating 'sanctuary cities' where illegality is ordered to be ...

Am               I               the               only               one               in               the               world               who               hates               The               Walking               Dead?

When               I               read               all               the               praise               heaped               on               AMC's               new               series,               I               feel               like               it.

On               Halloween               night               I               watched               the               much               anticipated               premier               of               AMC               new               series               The               Walking               Dead               with               millions               of               others.
               I               was               excited               to               see               it               because               it               was               'brought               to               me'               by               the               network               that               gave               me               two               of               my               favorite               programs               "Breaking               Bad"               and               "Mad               Men."
               I               didn't               know               that               it               was               based               on               the               graphic               comic               book               by               Robert               Kirkman---I               haven't               read               a               comic               book               since               I               was               ten               years               old.
               Yes,               even               back               when               dinosaurs               roamed               the               earth               we               had               horror               comics.
               The               horror               comics               of               the               early               1950's               were               called               "pre-Code'               horror.

This               was               in               reference               to               the               Comic               Code               Authority               that               was               created               due               to               the               public               outcry               against               the               gory               and               lurid               content               of               the               comic               books.

After               the               code               was               instigated               the               comic               became               bland               and               did               not               sell.
               But               the               fact               that               The               Walking               Dead               was               based               on               Kirkman's               graphic               novel               would               not               have               prejudiced               me               against               watching               the               series.

It               was               after               all,               on               AMC               and               I               thought               they               wouldn't               let               me               down.
               Moreover,               the               director               of               The               Walking               Dead               is               Frank               Darabont               who               wrote/co-wrote               the               first               three               episodes,               and               directed               the               premier               episode.
               Darbont               how               can               you               be               part               of               a               show               that               stinks               to               the               high               heavens?
               Darabont               is               one               of               only               six               film               makers               in               history               who               had               two               feature               films               receive               nominations               for               the               Best               Picture               Academy               Award.

The               "Shawshank               Redemption"               in               l994               and               in1999               "The               Green               Mile."
               He               collected               Oscar               nominations               from               the               Writers               Guide               of               America               for               Shawshank               Redemption.

(Both               films               were               based               on               the               works               of               Stephen               King.)
               Darabont               adapted               the               screenplay               for               each               film               and               elevated               it               way               above               the               usual               Stephen               King               fare.
               Moreover,               he               directed               an               adaptation               of               Ray               Bradbury's               classic               science               fiction               novel,               "Fahrenheit               451"               which               he               wrote               for               Castle               Rock               and               Icon               Productions.
               Fahrenheit               451               is               the               temperature               that               paper               burns.

Got               a               match               for               The               Walking               Dead               scripts?
               With               the               Walking               Dead               being               in               such               capable               hands-               I               thought               there               would               be               no               way               The               Walking               Dead               that               would               be               less               than               wonderful.
               The               preview               of               the               series               that               showed               Sheriff               Rick               Grimes               (played               by               Andrew               Lincoln)               riding               into               a               deserted               Atlanta               on               horseback               with               all               the               abandoned               cars               along               the               highway,               I               expected               the               same               kind               of               chills               that               I               got               from               the               movie               starring               Vincent               Price               called,               "The               Last               Man               On               Earth."
               The               Last               Man               on               Earth               was               remade               several               times;               the               most               recent               was               "I               Am               Legend"               with               Will               Smith,               but               even               with               all               its               special               effects,               it               was               not               as               'scary'               as               that               old               black               and               white               film.
               In               the               opening               scene               of               The               Last               Man               on               Earth,               Dr.

Robert               Morgan               wakes               up,               fixes               himself               coffee,               and               then               gathers               his               weapons               to               go               out               and               kills               everyone               he               can               before               they               kill               him.
               It               seems               that               everyone               in               the               world               has               been               infected               by               a               plague               that               turns               them               into               the               undead,               including               his               wife.

The               film,               like               The               Walking               Dead               deals               with               a               man,               killing               the               undead.

In               the               Price               film               it               was               vampires,               in               The               Walking               Dead               it               is               zombies               who               must               be               eliminated.
               The               premier               of               The               Walking               Dead               started               our               promising               enough---when               Sheriff               Rick               Grimes               the               sheriff's               deputy               in               the               fictional               King               County               Georgia               gets               shot               in               the               line               of               duty               and               end               up               in               a               hospital.
               (Incidentally,               the               King               County               Georgia               is               the               same               name               as               the               county               (King               County               in               Washington               state)               where               my               husband               worked               as               a               Sheriff's               Deputy               for               thirty               years.
               Seeing               Rick's               shirt               with               King               County               emblazoned               on               it               made               my               day,               I'm               here               to               tell               ya.
               On               to               the               plot---that               is               to               say,               the               plot               that               seems               to               serve               no               more               of               a               purpose               than               to               take               you               to               the               next               gross-out               scene.
               Rick               awakens               from               a               coma               in               a               deserted               hospital               of               blood-stained               walls,               rotting               corpses               in               the               hall               way,               a               padlockeddoor               pushed               partly               open               by               hands               of               people               trying               to               get               out.

Grimes               finds               his               way               out               of               the               hospital               and               walks               out               into               the               world               of               the               dead.
               From               the               time               he               shoots               the               little               girl               in               the               face               The               Walking               Dead               goes               down               hill.
               It               seemed               every               other               minute               of               the               episode               the               'dead'               are               killed               in               the               most               gruesome               way               imaginable.

               The               walking               dead               are               called               appropriately               enough;               "Walkers"               and               they're               everywhere.
               After               watching               the               premier               on               Halloween               night               I               felt               more               'tricked'               than               'treated'               by               AMC               and               knew               that               I               would               be               watching               The               Walking               Dead               no               more.
               It               seems               to               me               (as               this               opinion               is               born               out               by               reading               the               recaps               of               subsequent               episodes               and               watching               video               clips)               that               The               Walking               Dead               only               purpose               as               a               series               is               to               gross               people               out.
               One               person               even               compared               it               to               Mad               Men               in               character               development!

Did               she               mean               to               say               that               killing               zombies               in               horrible               ways               developed               one's               character?

Or               perhaps               she               meant               the               series               was               'character               driven.'               Then               again,               she               was               probably               connected               with               the               series               in               some               capacity               and               cashing               some               pretty               healthy               paychecks.
               When               you               watch               The               Walking               Dead               In               the               comfort               of               your               home               you               can               see               people               get               their               head               bashed               in               with               pick               axes,               and               shovels,               shot               in               the               brain,               decapitated,               chopped               up,               disemboweled;               not               to               mention               zombies               crawling               along               the               streets               with               half               of               their               bodies               gone,               and               their               guts               trailing               after               them
               You               don't               even               have               to               go               to               your               neighboring               theatre               to               see               rotting               faces,               blood               smeared               bodies,               and               hear               all               the               sloshing,               gushing,               slurping,               chomping               sounds               as               the               Zombies               are               killed               one               after               another               as               they               come               after               the               living               prey.

When               a               human               is               killed               they               descend               upon               the               body               and               tear               it               apart               with               such               ferocity               that               a               school               of               hungry               piranhas               in               shallow               water               couldn't               match.
               And               these               gory               scenes               go               on               forever.

I               have               never               seen               guts               and               gore               from               so               many               camera               angles,               close-ups,               complete               with               sickening               sounds               of               blood               gushing               and               bodies               being               chopped               since               I               channel               surfed               and               landed               one               of               the               "Saw"               movies.

Of               course               a               series               about               zombies               will               be               gory               (I               understand               this)               it's               just               that               I               feel               that               the               gory               scenes               go               on               far               too               long               and               seem               to               have               the               objective               of               appealing               to               that               segment               of               the               population               that               'get'               off'               on               watching               gratuitious               violence.
               But               the               Saw               Movie               franchise               is               not               well               acted,               well               directed,               well               written,               and               well               photographed:               Saw               is               just               a               stupid               movie               with               a               story               line               that               acts               only               as               a               way               to               get               to               the               next               torture,               or               mutilation               scene.
               In               my               opinion               The               Walking               Dead               is               beginning               to               'stink'----               and               it               seems               with               each               episode               the               stench               gets               worse.

The               plot               gets               dumber               and               more               improbable               with               each               episode.
               I               haven't               watched               an               episode               of               The               Walking               Dead               since               Halloween               night               but               the               son               of               our               next               door               neighbor               is               crazy               about               it.
               Since               I'm               writing               only               about               the               premier               episode,               I               thought               I               better               ask               his               opinion               of               some               of               the               other               episodes.
               He               was               happy               to               oblige               me               and               he               explained               in               detail               that               in               episode               two               he               got               to               see               a               zombie               eat               a               rat.

               He               told               me               that               a               zombie               body               is               cut               open               and               then               hacked               to               pieces.

Glen               and               Rick               smear               themselves               with               the               guts               and               gore;               and               one               of               them               dangles               an               arm               on               himself               for               good               measure.

This               is               done,               he               says               with               gusto               so               they               can               walk               among               the               dead.

The               dead               can't               smell               the               dead,               you               see.
               He               went               on               to               describe               more               gory               details               of               the               episode               but               my               stomach               was               beginning               to               churn               and               I               had               to               stop               him.

(I               didn't               want               to               risk               throwing               up               all               over               his               Nike               Air               Max               shoes.)
               Heeeeeeear's               Johnny!
               Today               I               learned               that               The               Walking               Dead               is               coming               back               for               a               13               episode               second               season.

The               series               has               broken               records               with               viewers               in               the               18-49               demo,               and               its               popularity               mounts.

I               won't               even               be               surprised               if               it               picks               up               all               sorts               of               television               programming               awards.
               Sharon               Yguado               SVP               Scripted               Programming,               Fox               International               was               quoted               (I               am               ROGUE.com               in               a               piece               written               by               JimmyO)               as               saying:
               "I               wish               all               programming               decisions               were               no               brainers               like               this               one,"               She               goes               on               to               opine               "The               Walking               Dead               is               a               TV               masterpiece               on               so               many               levels..."
               The               Last               Woman               on               Earth               Who               hates               The               Walking               Dead               
               Yeah,               Sharon,               you               said               one               word               that               The               last               Woman               on               Earth               Who               hates               the               Walking               Dead               agrees               with:               'masterpiece'.
               It's               a               masterpiece,               alright,               a               masterpiece               of               exploitation               of               the               people               in               a               certain               age               group               that               can't               get               enough               of               being               'grossed               out'               on               a               weekly               basis.
               It's               a               masterpiece               of               marketing,               and               it               is               a               masterpiece               of               getting               talented               people               on               board               who               are,               like               the               zombies,               conditioned               to               run               toward               the               sound               of               ringing               cash               registers.
               And               about               bit               about               The               Walking               Dead               being               a               TV               masterpiece               on               so               many               levels?,               I               would               like               to               know               what               level               you're               talking               about.

How               can               you               go               lower               than               a               basement?,               and               that's               where               this               'masterpiece'               should               end               up.
               And               she               wishes               "all               programming               decisions               were               no               brainers"               like               this               one.
               Well,               she               got               that               part               right.

The               Walking               Dead               is               a               No               Brainer.

The               AMC               series               lost               its               brain               to               the               zombies               in               the               first               five               minutes               of               the               Halloween               premier.

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