2013년 11월 1일 금요일

Tresa Cawley's blog ::...friend had recommended Waking the Dead, by John Eldredge. I had gotten a copy of the book, but not started ...

Tresa Cawley's blog ::...friend had recommended Waking the Dead, by John Eldredge. I had gotten a copy of the book, but not started ...

               The               loss               of               a               loved               one               is               always               a               complicated               situation.

Whether               you               experience               the               loss               personally               or               you               know               someone               who               has,               it               is               always               an               awkward               time.

Trying               to               think               of               what               to               do               and               what               to               say               or               having               to               listen               to               people's               claims               of               understanding               your               pain               can               be               very               difficult.

Through               this               trying               time,               having               someone               who               can               truly               empathize               with               you               makes               a               world               of               difference.
               In               "The               Wives               of               the               Dead,"               by               Nathaniel               Hawthorne,               he               examines               grief               and               the               effect               it               has               on               the               women               in               the               story.

He               puts               two               women               in               a               unique               situation.

Both               are               dealing               with               the               loss               of               a               loved               one.

Realizing               that               it               is               imperative               that               they               band               together,               they               comfort               one               another               and               rely               on               each               other.

In               "The               Wives               of               the               Dead,"               Hawthorne               examines               the               relationship               between               these               two               women               and               explores               how               their               common               bond               leads               them               to               reserve               their               own               happiness               and               make               special               considerations               for               each               other's               feelings.
               "The               Wives               of               the               Dead"               tells               the               story               of               two               recent               widows.

Mary               and               Margaret               are               sisters-in-law               who,               within               days               of               each               other,               have               been               informed               that               their               husbands               have               died.

The               death               of               their               husbands               and               the               grief               that               follows               bring               these               two               women               together               in               a               way               that               they               would               not               have               been               otherwise:               "United,               as               they               had               been,               by               the               relationship               of               the               living,               and               now               more               closely               so               by               that               of               the               dead,               each               felt               as               if               whatever               consolation               her               grief               admitted               were               to               be               found               in               the               bosom               of               the               other.

They               joined               their               hearts,               and               wept               together               silently"               (63).
               The               relationship               between               Mary               and               Margaret               has               deepened               in               a               short               period               of               time.

However,               their               bond               is               real,               and               with               it,               they               have               developed               genuine               concern               for               one               another.

Before               they               were               simply               sisters-in-law,               but               now               they               are               forever               linked               by               their               common               grief.

They               are               now               forced               to               rely               on               each               other.

They               both               accept               this               charge               and               throughout               the               story               demonstrate               that               they               will               go               to               great               lengths               to               be               supportive               of               each               other.
               The               desire               of               the               sisters               to               be               supportive               of               each               other               is               first               exhibited               by               Mary.

She               shows               great               concern               for               Margaret               and               is               very               protective               of               her.

She               feels               that               because               her               grief               was               the               "earliest               known,"               it               should               "earliest               cease"               (63).

She               sets               aside               her               own               sorrow               and               turns               her               attention               to               Margaret.

She               understands               Margaret's               heartache               and               tries               to               take               her               mind               off               it               and               get               her               to               tend               to               her               own               well               being:               "'Come,               dearest               sister;               you               have               not               eaten               a               morsel               to-day,'               she               said.

'Arise,               I               pray               you,               and               let               us               ask               a               blessing               on               that               which               is               provided               for               us'"               (63-4).

Mary               wants               Margaret               to               take               care               of               herself.

She               is               also               very               nurturing               to               Margaret.
               At               the               end               of               the               story,               after               waking               from               her               own               sleep,               Mary,               like               a               mother               watching               her               child,               goes               in               to               check               on               Margaret:               "Before               retiring,               she               set               down               the               lamp,               and               endeavored               to               arrange               the               bed-clothes               so               that               the               chill               air               might               not               do               harm               to               the               feverish               slumberer"               (68).

Mary               is               concerned               with               Margaret's               health.

Like               a               mother,               her               sole               priority               is               Margaret               and               her               welfare.

Despite               her               own               grief,               she               feels               the               need               to               ensure               that               Margaret               is               safe               and               sound.

Mary               uses               her               concern               for               Margaret               as               a               coping               mechanism               to               deal               with               her               own               grief.

By               nurturing               Margaret,               she               is               healing               herself               as               well               as               Margaret.

Mary's               concern               for               Margaret               gives               her               purpose.
               In               their               attempts               to               protect               one               another,               the               sisters-in-law               suppress               their               own               feelings.

Mary               first               sets               her               grief               aside               to               focus               on               Margaret,               but               Margaret               also               exemplifies               this               later.

When               she               believes               that               her               husband               is               alive,               Margaret's               first               impulse               is               to               share               her               wonderful               news               with               the               one               who               understands               her               most,               Mary.

However,               her               excitement               is               quickly               replaced               with               sorrow               for               Mary:
               Joy               flashed               into               her               heart,               and               lighted               it               up               at               once;               and               breathless,               and               with               winged               steps,               she               flew               to               the               bedside               of               her               sister.

She               paused,               however,               at               the               door               of               the               chamber,               while               a               thought               of               pain               broke               in               upon               her.

'Poor               Mary!'               said               she               to               herself.

'Shall               I               waken               her,               to               feel               her               sorrow               sharpened               by               my               happiness?

No;               I               will               keep               it               within               my               own               bosom               till               the               morrow.'               (66)               Margaret               is               unable               to               hurt               Mary.

She               feels               guilty               for               seemingly               having               her               prayers               answered               while               her               sister-in-law               is               still               hurting.

She               "felt               as               if               her               own               better               fortune               had               rendered               her               involuntarily               unfaithful"               (66).

Because               of               the               bond               that               they               share,               she               wants               Mary               to               be               happy               also.
               She               cannot               bear               for               her               happiness               to               show               while               she               knows               her               sister               is               still               in               pain.

She               feels               as               if               her               happiness               will               be               a               betrayal               to               the               common               bond               they               share.

She               suppresses               her               own               happiness               to               protect               the               feelings               of               Mary.

Mary               makes               the               same               sacrifice               for               Margaret.

When               she               believes               that               her               beloved               husband               is               alive,               she               too               thinks               first               of               sharing               the               news               with               her               dear               sister.
               However,               when               thoughts               of               her               sister's               unhappiness               arise,               she               decides               otherwise:               "               [S]he               remembered               that               Margaret               would               awake               to               thoughts               of               death               and               woe,               rendered               not               the               less               bitter               by               their               contrast               with               her               own               felicity"               (68).

Just               like               Margaret,               Mary               is               unable               to               pour               salt               into               the               wounds               of               her               sister-in-law               by               expressing               her               overwhelming               joy               and               happiness.

Hawthorne               is               commenting               on               how               often               women               have               been               historically               taught               that               it               is               their               role               to               take               care               of               those               around               them               and               deny               themselves               happiness               in               order               to               make               those               around               them               feel               better.
               Perhaps               the               most               ironic               aspect               of               the               story               stems               from               the               fact               that               both               sisters               seem               to               be               in               a               dream               state               when               they               receive               the               wonderful               news               that               their               husbands               are               alive.

Yet               both               believe               that               the               other               is               dreaming,               and               both               comment               on               how               their               sister-in-law's               happiness               is               falsely               wrapped               in               these               dreams.

After               deciding               not               to               tell               Mary               of               her               good               news,               Margaret               thinks,               "Happy               is               it,               and               strange,               that               the               lighter               sorrows               are               those               from               which               dreams               are               chiefly               fabricated"               (66).

She               believes               that               the               look               of               "motionless               contentment"               (66)               on               Mary's               face               is               nothing               more               that               the               result               of               a               wishful               fantasy.

Mary               also               displays               these               thoughts.

As               Mary               watches               Margaret's               "rose-tinted"               cheeks,               "vivid               smile,"               and               "expression               of               joy,"               she               thinks               to               herself,               "My               poor               sister!

You               will               waken               too               soon               from               that               happy               dream"               (68).
               Mary               believes               that               Margaret's               joy               exists               only               in               the               delusions               of               her               dreams.

Both               women               are               convinced               that               the               other               is               dreaming.

Through               their               thoughts               and               actions,               Hawthorne               reveals               that               although               Mary               and               Margaret               care               about               each               other               and               would               never               intentionally               hurt               one               another,               deep               inside,               they               subconsciously               want               the               happiness               that               they               think               they               are               hiding               from               one               another               and               are               unable               to               believe               that               they               both               can               have               this               happiness.

Hawthorne's               perception               of               the               relationship               between               these               two               women               seems               contradictory.

Although               they               seem               selfless               and               caring,               they               have               secret               desires               that               are               selfish.
               The               relationship               between               Mary               and               Margaret               is               unlike               any               other.

Hawthorne               highlights               the               emotional               roller               coaster               on               which               these               two               women               find               themselves.

By               showing               Mary               and               Margaret               torn               between               their               own               feelings               and               each               other's               feelings,               Hawthorne               exemplifies               the               torment               women               face               by               trying               to               stifle               their               true               feelings               in               order               to               protect               the               ones               they               love.
               Hawthorne               is               saying               that               women               are               sometimes               false               in               the               appearances               they               portray               because               they               do               not               want               to               hurt               the               other's               feelings.

The               bond               that               Mary               and               Margaret               share               fuels               their               desire               to               protect               one               another.

Whether               or               not               their               encounters               were               real               or               fantasy,               both               women               believed               that               they               were               doing               what               was               right               for               the               other.

Their               actions               and               their               concerns               for               each               other               exemplify               the               healing               power               of               love.

Image of waking of the dead

waking of the dead
waking of the dead

waking of the dead Image 1

waking of the dead
waking of the dead

waking of the dead Image 2

waking of the dead
waking of the dead

waking of the dead Image 3

waking of the dead
waking of the dead

waking of the dead Image 4

waking of the dead
waking of the dead

waking of the dead Image 5

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    11. Waking Of The Dead - Blog Homepage Results

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      All ramblings found on this blog are solely from the legendary unholy mind of Chase Bricker and in no way whatsoever reflect the opinions or beliefs...
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    Tresa Cawley's blog ::Watch The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 10 Online

    Tresa Cawley's blog ::Watch The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 10 Online

    The               Walking               Dead's               Season               4               premiere               was               watched               by               16.1               million               viewers               and               got               a               8.2               rating               among               adults               18-49.

    That's               up               30               percent               in               the               demo               from               the               Season               3               finale,               which               means               the               show               is               more               popular               than               ever               before,               almost               shockingly               popular               since               the               series               began               in               2010.
                   But               does               that               mean               it's               an               amazingly,               gripping               intelligent               series?

    Not               necessarily.
                   When               it               comes               to               a               truly               well               written               and               well               acted               drama               series,               this               show               can't               touch               Breaking               Bad,               which               garnered               several               Emmy               nominations               and               wins               in               the               65th               Primetime               Emmy               awards.

    Nonetheless,               The               Walking               Dead               has               its               moments,               both               good               and               bad.

    Many               critics               of               the               show               have               generally               praised               the               show               and               have               given               it               anywhere               from               a               B               to               an               A+               rating.
                   However,               the               ratings               should               be               specialized               and               pertain               to               each               episode               in               the               season               rather               than               counted               for               the               entire               season               because               there               have               been               some               amazing               highs,               but               also               some               dubious               lows.
                   As               a               fan               of               the               show               (didn't               start               watching/streaming               it               until               the               past               summer),               I               can               easily               list               at               5               pros               and               cons               about               the               show               that               many               critics               may               have               already               specified.

    However,               there               are               depths               that               many               critics               haven't               thought               about               that               I               would               like               to               address               as               both               a               fan               and               a               critic               of               the               show.
                   5               Pros               

    It               draws               you               in               immediately.

                   If               you've               never               seen               the               show,               I               strongly               suggest               watching               the               pilot               "Days               Gone               By"               first.

    If               that               doesn't               get               you               to               continue               watching               the               show,               then               I'd               suggest               you               move               on.

    Chances               are               that               it               will               grip               you               like               it               gripped               me               instantly,               which               is               incredibly               rare               for               some               like               myself               who               avoid               watching               the               same               show               week               after               week.
                   In               my               opinion,               the               pilot               is               one               of               the               strongest               episodes               of               the               entire               series               thus               far               and               it's               ability               to               captivate               you               is               a               huge               pro               for               this               show.

    Some               high               quality               episodes               
                   As               mentioned               before,               the               pilot               is               one               of               the               strongest               episodes,               but               there               a               few               other               episodes               that               feature               strong               writing,               characterization,               plot               development,               and               entertainment.

    If               I               were               to               point               out               a               few               specific               episodes               to               look               out               for,               I'd               pick               "Days               Gone               By"               and               Vatos               from               Season               1,               "Pretty               Much               Dead               Already",               "Better               Angels",               and               "Beside               the               Dying               Fire"               from               Season               2,               and               "Killer               Within",               "This               Sorrowful               Life",               and               especially               "Clear"               from               Season               3.
                   Those               particular               episodes               showcase               probably               the               best               writing               of               the               entire               series               as               well               as               exhilarating,               heart               pounding               action               sequences,               intense               acting,               and               shocking               twists.

    Many               critics               and               fans               feel               that               the               episode               "Clear"               from               Season               3               may               be               the               best               episode               of               the               entire               series,               especially               for               its               characterization,               acting,               and               writing.

    Deeper               Meanings               
                   The               series               doesn't               just               focus               on               survival,               it               manages               to               uncover               deep,               hidden               meanings               about               humanity,               society,               and               morality               in               a               post-apocalyptic               world.

    The               entire               plot               of               season               3               deals               with               human               nature               with               the               town               of               Woodbury               and               the               portrayal               of               The               Governor.
                   In               season               2,               there               are               concepts               that               revolve               around               suicide,               killing               another               human               being,               and               the               overall               human               psyche.

    Much               of               these               concepts               evolved               from               the               first               season,               where               people               had               to               choose               between               life               or               death               by               their               own               free               will.
                   The               series               definitely               has               a               lot               of               depth               and,               it's               overview               on               humanity               as               a               whole               may               be               the               most               interesting               theme               of               The               Walking               Dead.

    Zombies               or               "Walkers"               
                   It               is               afterall               a               show               about               the               living               dead,               so               obviously               this               is               a               huge               pro               that               has               attracted               millions               of               fans.

    The               simple               answer               to               this               is               that               a               lot               of               people               love               zombies.

    This               dates               back               to               the               late               1960's               with               George               A.

    Romero's               Night               of               the               Living               Dead               and               more               modern               and               even               humorous               takes               with               28               Days               Later,               Shaun               of               the               Dead,               and               Zombieland.

    Recently               the               movie               based               on               a               popular               novel,               "World               War               Z"               performed               very               well               at               the               box               office               despite               less               than               stellar               reviews.
                   Whether               people               love               the               hidden               political               agenda               in               zombie               flicks               or               the               thrill               of               murdering               hundreds               of               zombies,               they've               become               extremely               popular               and               are               not               going               away               anytime               soon.

    Whether               this               is               just               a               craze               or               a               true               adoration               for               the               living               dead               remains               to               be               seen               though,               but               given               decades               of               living               dead               movies,               I'd               say               it's               become               part               of               our               culture               now.
                   See:               CDC's               Zombie               Apocalypse

    A               few               outstanding               characters               
                   For               a               drama               to               truly               be               successful,               the               audience               needs               either               someone               to               root               for               or               someone               who               completely               captures               their               attention.

    It's               no               secret               that               the               fan               favorite               character               is               Daryl               Dixon               played               by               Norman               Reedus.

    I               mean               what's               not               to               like,               he's               sort               of               an               anti-hero,               a               bad-ass,               and               can               be               downright               cruel               sometimes,               but               yet               he's               loyal,               he's               trustworthy,               and               he               truly               cares               about               the               people               he's               with.
                   The               same               goes               for               Michonne               played               by               Danai               Gurira.

    She's               strong,               wields               a               sword,               which               is               quite               different               than               a               typical               gun,               is               intuitive               but               portrays               a               lighter               side               that               will               surely               continue               to               be               uncovered               moving               forward.

    Other               strong               characters               included               Merle               Dixon               (Daryl's               brother),               Hershel               Greene,               and               of               course               Rick               Grimes               (the               main               protagonist).
                   There               will               likely               be               more               characters               added               on               and               many               more               will               be               lost,               and               you               know               the               show's               writers               and               actors               have               done               a               good               job               when               their               hardcore               fans               become               truly               angry               if               one               of               their               favorites               gets               killed               off.
                   5               Cons               

    It               can               be               very               slow-paced.

                   One               of               my               pet               peeves               for               this               show               is               that               the               pacing               can               at               times               get               painfully               slow.

    The               first               half               of               season               2               was               at               times               completely               uneventful,               slow,               and               downright               boring.

    Critics               agreed               about               the               slow               pacing,               but               at               least               there               was               some               sort               of               payoff.
                   The               same               goes               for               parts               of               season               3               where               there               was               a               lot               of               talking               and               walking               going               on               with               very               few               results.

    The               premiere               of               season               4               started               off               a               big               sluggish               as               well,               but               things               turned               up               a               notch               pretty               quickly.

    Obviously               not               every               episode               is               going               to               be               incredibly               action               packed               and               full               of               deaths               to               either               the               main               or               sub               characters,               but               they               should               at               least               progress               the               story               and               make               more               scenes               mean               something.

    That               brings               me               to               my               next               biggest               con.

    What's               the               Payoff               
                   Fans               are               now               diving               into               the               fourth               season               of               The               Walking               Dead,               which               is               pretty               significant               given               each               episode               lasts               some               45               minutes.

    So               what's               in               it               for               them?

    Will               they               receive               a               big               payoff               for               putting               so               much               time               into               this               show,               or               will               it               be               a               huge               disappointment.
                   The               next               big               question               is               where               is               the               show               going               or               what               is               it's               purpose.

    Is               the               purpose               simply               to               live               the               rest               of               their               lives               at               the               prison               and               hopefully               not               get               attacked               by               walkers,               or               is               there               a               bigger               plan?.

    I               haven't               read               the               comics               so               I               don't               know               how               that               gets               resolved,               so               I'm               just               basing               my               opinions               on               what               I've               seen.
                   Now               I               appreciate               that               in               season               2               all               that               searching               and               pacing               led               to               a               shocking               mid               season               finale               or               what               I               would               call               a               nice               payoff,               but               it               still               took               half               a               season               to               get               there.

    So               I               hope               the               writers               speed               things               up               a               bit               and               really               think               about               how               to               give               the               fans               that               big               payoff.

    Moments               of               Weak               Acting               
                   I               don't               want               to               contradict               myself               because               I               mentioned               how               strong               the               acting               can               be               in               the               series,               but               I               also               would               like               to               point               out               that               sometimes               the               acting               is               very               stiff,               unconvincing,               and               almost               painful               to               watch.

    There               were               moments               in               season               1               and               2               where               I               cringed               at               the               actor               who               played               Carl               Grimes.

    It               didn't               click               with               me               at               times,               and               it               was               really               apparent               in               the               slow-paced               episodes.
                   I               wasn't               a               fan               with               the               characters               of               Lori               or               Andrea               primarily               because               of               stilted               or               unconvincing               acting.

    That's               not               to               say               they               didn't               have               any               good               moments,               but               sometimes               the               bad               really               outweighed               the               good.

    Even               the               best               characters               had               their               weak               moments,               so               I               don't               necessarily               blame               the               actors               completely               because               often               times               the               weak               acting               was               juxtaposed               to               a               weak               episode.

    Doesn't               Explain               Things               
                   What               else               is               out               there?

    Is               there               a               real               functioning               society               out               there               that               has               maybe               discovered               a               cure?

    What               are               the               origins               of               the               disease               and               are               there               more               facts               about               it?

    How               long               will               they               stay               at               the               prison?
                   There's               so               much               so               discover               and               often               times               I               felt               like               they've               been               keeping               it               a               big               secret.

    I               would               like               to               know               what               else               is               out               there               beyond               state               borders.

    I               would               like               to               know               if               there's               still               a               society               out               there               that               functions               like               the               modern               day               world.

    I               would               like               to               know               more               about               the               disease               and               the               origins               of               it.

    I               have               a               feeling               all               of               this               will               eventually               be               uncovered,               but               I               still               feel               that               we,               the               fans,               should               know               more               than               we               do.
                   All               we               know               (Spoiler               Alert)               is               that               everyone               is               infected,               the               Governor               is               still               out               there,               and               they're               trying               to               stay               alive               at               a               prison.

    There's               so               many               possibilities               and               explanations               that               have               yet               to               be               uncovered.

    I               personally               want               to               know               why               the               walkers               aren't               decomposing               like               in               28               Days               Later.

    Hopefully               more               questions               will               be               solved               than               asked               in               the               future               of               the               series.

    Too               Played               Out/Predictable               
                   Again               this               is               related               to               some               of               the               cons               listed,               but               there               is               a               sense               of               predictability               so               far               this               series,               especially               at               the               farm               and               the               prison               where               nothing               changed.

    Think               back               to               season               2               where               many               episodes               involved               the               group               waking               up               at               the               farm               and               searching               for               Sophia               (Carol's               daughter,               the               girl               who               went               missing).

    Think               back               to               the               past               season               where               things               were               rather               mundane               at               the               prison.

    There               wasn't               anything               new               going               on               and               it               became               very               routine.
                   Now               in               an               ironic               way               routine               is               what               our               daily               lives               are               based               on,               and               yet               it               doesn't               work               in               a               drama               like               The               Walking               Dead.

    We               don't               want               to               see               a               show               where               the               exact               thing               happens               all               the               time,               even               though               that's               what               our               lives               are               mostly               about.

    A               show               is               supposed               to               entertain               so               the               constant               getting               up,               standing               watch               at               the               tower,               and               killing               off               zombies               at               the               fence               becomes               rather               dull               and               uninspired.
                   This               is               why               I               really               enjoyed               the               first               season               because               they               didn't               stay               at               the               camp               for               long,               and               there               was               always               something               going               on               in               different               environments,               so               I               really               hope               they               leave               the               prison               soon.

    I               also               want               The               Governor               dead               already,               he's               overstayed               his               welcome               and               needs               to               be               killed               off               soon               although               the               suspense               of               when               he'll               return               does               add               a               bit               of               intrigue               to               the               4th               season.
                   So               to               conclude,               for               what               the               show               is               meant               to               be               by               the               writers,               directors,               and               producers,               it               definitely               is.

    I               don't               think               the               creators               are               or               were               ever               aspiring               to               make               a               Breaking               Bad               level               type               show.

    Their               main               purpose               is               to               entertain               and               do               their               best               to               recreate               and               adapt               a               comic               book               series.

    Based               on               the               show's               current               popularity,               The               Walking               Dead               absolutely               achieved               that               goal               and               probably               will               continue               for               a               long               time               to               come.

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